Постачальник - Women clothing stock sale


Women clothing stock sale

We are Brands Collection, the biggest stock loads buyer in this part of Europe. We are specialized in clothing, bags, shoes, accessories, etc. We specialize in building value through price, convenience and product diversity. We have been supplying independent retailers and boutiques throughout Europe for the last 20 years. In our store we have following brands: Noa Noa, Vero Moda, Vila, Only, Pieces, Selected/Homme, Jack&Jones, Lundstrom, Object, Blend, Lee Jeans, Wrangler etc. We are selling clothing and shoes by the pallet and by the container load. Our product range covers more than 700 000 items. Right now we are looking for busyness partner in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia to expend and introduce this huge market with our apparel stocks. At Brands Collection, we aim to bring your business: exclusive and the hottest licenses, quality, value for money, great sales and trendy styles at competitive prices.
Ищем партнеров в:
АР Крим обл.; Вінницька обл.; Волинська обл.; Дніпропетровська обл.; Донецька обл.; Житомирська обл.; Закарпатська обл.; Запорізька обл.; Івано-Франківська обл.; Київська обл.; Кіровоградська обл.; Луганська обл.; Львівська обл.; Миколаївська обл.; Одеська обл.; Полтавська обл.; Рівненська обл.; Сумська обл.; Тернопільська обл.; Харківська обл.; Херсонська обл.; Хмельницька обл.; Черкаська обл.; Чернігівська обл.; Чернівецька обл.;
Великий гурт
Доставимо на склад покупця
Відправимо кур'єрськими компаніями
Галузь діяльності:
  • Одежа, взуття
Дата: 22.03.2013
Brands Collection
We have become one of the largest and most successful Wholesalers in Southeastern Europe. We have a large range of European brands at any one time, specializing in women clothes. The range of garments changes constantly as we have a very fast stock turnover. This enables regular customers to have a constant stream of new lines to purchase on a weekly basis. Our prices enable our customers to offer real value for money at a fraction of the original store price. We sell throughout Europe and can help you with friendly advice on export, where applicable. Our stylish collection of dresses, skirts, jeans, t-shirts, shirts, blouses., tops, jackets, coats etc... represents the best of European women clothing. We have our web sites intended for East European market: http://brands-collection.otobiznes.pl/, http://brands-collection.tiu.ru/ , http://brands-collection.uaprom.net/ , http://brands-collection.satu.kz/ , http://brands-collection.deal.by/ .
Місто: Subotica
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